1-855-YRU-HURT (978-4878)

Frequently Asked Questions

The three questions we are asked most frequently are as follows:

How Much Is My Case Worth:

We cannot say how much a case is worth at the time of our initial interview with you because we do not know what the various doctors and other health professionals are going to say about the medical prognosis. A case cannot be settled without a medical prognosis on what the future condition of an injured person will be and it usually takes a minimum of two years from the time of an injury to obtain a prognosis, because generally an injury will improve over this period of time and sometimes considerably longer.

How Much Is It Going To Cost:

In the initial stages, it is difficult to provide any estimate of the associated costs to prosecute the case on your behalf, because at this stage, the future prognosis of the injuries, and the impact these injuries will have upon you, is not known. Further, whether the case will settle before or after the discoveries or trial is also not known. While we have little idea what the actual amount of our statement of account will be to you, we explain in detail in our retainer agreement how our statement of account will be calculated.

How Long Will It Take To Settle The Case:

How long your case will take to resolve is also very difficult to determine. In our experience, often it takes more than two years to obtain future prognosis of your injuries. In the initial stages, we recommend that the main focus should be upon your rehabilitation and not to incur expenses to prepare for the Trial. Our recommendation may delay the process somewhat. However, it will also help to not incur substantial expenses in the initial stages, when we do not know the future outcome and the resultant losses as a result of your injury.

If your instructions are to pursue litigation aggressively right from the very beginning, then please do advise us and we will act according to your instructions. We will point out that in that case a substantial retainer will be required in the initial stages.

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