1-855-YRU-HURT (978-4878)

About Yru Hurt

CHAUDHARY Personal Injury Law Professional Corporation specialize in Personal Injury Litigation in the area of:

Motor Vehicle Accidents (At Fault or Not at Fault)

  • Brain Injury
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Fractures
  • Loss of Any Body Function
  • Soft Tissue Injury / Chronic Pain
  • Psychological Injuries / Depression
  • Unable to Work / Loss of Social, Leisure and Family Life

Slip & Fall Accidents

  • Municipal sidewalks
  • Parking Lots
  • Shopping Malls, Grocery Stores and other Private or Public Property

Medical Malpractice; Dog Bites; WSIB; Short Term Disability (STD) & Long Term Disability (LTD) from workplace; Private STD & LTD; CPP (Disability); Critical Illness Insurance; and any kind of Personal Injury such as Police Assault; Sexual/Physical/Mental Abuse or Assault; School Bullying etc

CHAUDHARY Personal Injury Law Professional Corporation brings to you all of its resources in order to achieve your goal of obtaining due compensation for your losses under the law. Since Personal Injury is all that we do, we specialize in this area of law to help you properly assess and recover your damages. In this we are assisted by highly reputable experts in various fields including medical, accounting, engineering and vocational usually at no upfront cost to you. We also work in association with some of the most experienced and leading lawyers as Co-counsels to provide you with the best possible representation to pursue your claims against the insurance companies.

Another thing to remember for all cases is that your injuries/sickness may not be visible on any objective diagnostic tests like X-Rays, MRIs, Blood Test etc. This is particularly so for Psychological impairments and also very much true about Chronic Pain and Brain Injury. Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Cognitive Deficits and Chronic Pain are particularly very challenging to prove in a legal setting. At CHAUDHARY Personal Injury Law Professional Corporation we take pride in our track record of helping many such clients recover damages for their losses over the years.

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